P. Noelia P. Noelia

Dia 4: Algo Nuevo Esta Surgiendo

"No os acordéis de las cosas pasadas, ni consideréis las antiguas. He aquí que yo hago cosa nueva; pronto saldrá a luz; ¿no la conoceréis?"
Isaías 43:18-19

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P. Noelia P. Noelia

Day 4: A New Thing is Springing Forth

"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?" - Isaiah 43:18-19

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Dr. Jesus Rodriguez Dr. Jesus Rodriguez

Day 3: God’s New Covenant

"I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people." – Jeremiah 31:33

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Dr. Jesus Rodriguez Dr. Jesus Rodriguez

Dia 3: El Nuevo Pacto de Dios

"Pondré mi ley dentro de ellos, y la escribiré en su corazón; y yo seré su Dios, y ellos serán mi pueblo."
Jeremías 31:33

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P. Noelia P. Noelia

Day 2: Forgetting the Past

"Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 3:13-14

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P. Noelia P. Noelia

Dia 2: Olvidando el Pasado

"Hermanos, yo mismo no pretendo haberlo ya alcanzado; pero una cosa hago: olvidando lo que queda atrás y extendiéndome a lo que está adelante, prosigo a la meta, al premio del supremo llamamiento de Dios en Cristo Jesús."
Filipenses 3:13-14

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Dr. Jesus Rodriguez Dr. Jesus Rodriguez

Day 1: God Declares New Things

"Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them." - Isaiah 42:9

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Dr. Jesus Rodriguez Dr. Jesus Rodriguez

Dia 1: Dios Declara Cosas Nuevas

"He aquí que las cosas pasadas han venido, y nuevas cosas yo declaro; antes que salgan a luz, os las anuncio." Isaías 42:9

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