The Harvest Field
“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Many times we hear the word “missions” and we think of people who travel to other countries to reach the gospel and build churches. The truth is that missions is also here at home. God has sent you to His harvest field. How would you view your workplace, your household, your school, and your neighborhood if you approached them as a field ready for harvest? God has a purpose for you where you are. We have to turn off “auto pilot” and ask the Holy Spirit who we are supposed to serve, speak to, and pray for.
Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see where you are as the Harvest Field. The Holy Spirit can help you discern what someone needs.
Reflection and Response:
“Low-hanging fruit” is fruit that is ripe and ready to be picked. There are people around you who are low-hanging fruit. They are one invitation, one testimony, one preaching, or one prayer away from giving their life to Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you who is “low-hanging fruit” and then invite them to give their life to Jesus!