Comissioned To Worship
“Then Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you.””
Worship toward God is so much more than what we do on Sunday mornings. We can worship without music, instruments or even voices. When Abraham told his servants he would be going up to the mountain to worship God with his son, he was referring to his act of obedience to God. We worship God everyday through our obedience to Him.
This week’s devotionals will focus on going OUT. We need to work on our personal relationship with Jesus AND how He wants to use us to influence others.
Our worship begins with our YES to God! Obedience is always a response to an invitation from God.
Ask God: What invitation do you have for me?
Reflection and Response:
How are you going to respond to His invitation to you? What do you need to surrender to say yes? Do you need help/accountability?