Hearing His Voice

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
— Psalms 119:103


In my opinion, hearing God’s voice is one of the most delightful things a human being can experience. The sense of assurance, urgency, and peace is an experience like no other. I remember one of the first times I heard the voice of the Lord. I was in my bedroom, and I prayed to the Lord (I was about 9 or 10), and I told the Lord that I wanted to hear his voice, and all I remember was hearing the words, “Okay, son.” That simple statement overwhelmed me with His presence like never before! I heard the voice of God!

However, I discovered through the years that God speaks to His children in many different ways; some hear the voice of God, others have dreams, visions, and others have an impression in their hearts. Nevertheless, the Lord is constantly speaking to His creation. The problem is that we are too caught up in our own world that we tend to miss His voice.

As you pray and fast today, take time to be still in his presence and listen. Be sure to quiet your mind and heart and ask God to walk in your space and speak to you. His way of talking to you can be unique. Make sure you ask Him to guide you in identifying his voice during that time. Take time to be quiet in His presence and wait. Try hearing His voice today. It will be such a fantastic experience.

Let’s Pray:

Father, I pray for this space so that this moment is not interrupted. I pray that today will be the day that we quiet our souls and open our spiritual ears to hear your voice. Allow us to be still and know that you are God. Speak to us, oh, creator of the Universe!


Obeying His Voice


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