Day 4: A New Thing is Springing Forth
Welcome! Today, we’ll be exploring Isaiah 43:18-19 and the idea of perceiving the new things God is doing. Are you ready to open your eyes to His work in your life and our church this year?
"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?" - Isaiah 43:18-19
God’s words here are a challenge and an invitation. He’s telling us to stop dwelling on the past and start focusing on the new thing He is doing. But notice the question: 'Do you not perceive it?'
Sometimes, God’s work is happening right in front of us, but we’re too distracted or discouraged to notice. This year, we need to slow down, listen, and watch for His hand in our lives.
Today, spend time in quiet reflection. Ask God to show you where He’s moving in your life. Write down one area where you feel He’s doing something new and commit to praying about it throughout the week.
"Lord, help us to see the new things You are springing forth in our lives. Give us eyes to perceive Your work and hearts to embrace it with faith and gratitude. In Jesus’ name, Amen."