Come and See

In today's sermon, we explored the theme of "Come and See," focusing on the transformative power of Jesus and the importance of evangelism. The message was rooted in the story of Philip and Nathaniel from John 1:43-51, emphasizing the call to invite others to experience Jesus firsthand. This summary will break down the key points and lessons from the sermon, making it easy to understand and apply to your life.

The Power of Invitation

Why Invite Others to "Come and See"?

Philip's immediate response to follow Jesus and his subsequent invitation to Nathaniel highlights the power of a simple invitation. When Nathaniel expressed skepticism about anything good coming from Nazareth, Philip didn't argue or try to convince him with words. Instead, he invited Nathaniel to "come and see" for himself. This approach teaches us that sometimes the best way to share our faith is to invite others to experience it firsthand.

Overcoming Skepticism

Nathaniel's initial doubt is a common reaction when people are introduced to faith. Skepticism is a natural part of exploring faith, and it's okay to have questions. Philip's response to Nathaniel's skepticism was not to argue but to invite him to witness the truth. This teaches us that we don't need to have all the answers; sometimes, the best response is to invite others to see the evidence of Jesus in our lives.

Jesus Sees Us

The Significance of Being Seen

When Jesus told Nathaniel, "I saw you while you were still under the fig tree," it was a profound moment of revelation. This statement showed Nathaniel that Jesus knew him intimately, even before they met. It underscores the truth that Jesus sees us in our moments of doubt, struggle, and prayer. He knows our hearts and our situations, and He invites us to come and see the greater things He has in store for us.

The Role of Prayer and Meditation in the Word

Nathaniel was likely meditating on the scriptures under the fig tree, seeking deeper understanding and revelation. This detail emphasizes the importance of spending time in prayer and meditation in the word. When we seek God earnestly, He sees us and meets us where we are, often revealing Himself in ways that surpass our expectations.

Witnessing Greater Things

The Promise of Greater Things

Jesus promised Nathaniel that he would see "greater things" than the revelation under the fig tree. This promise extends to all believers. When we follow Jesus, we are invited to witness miracles, transformations, and the glory of God in our lives. The apostles experienced this firsthand, and we are called to expect and celebrate these greater things in our own lives.

Living Out Our Faith

Living out our faith daily is crucial. Our actions, kindness, and consistency in following Jesus serve as a testimony to others. We are called to be the evidence of Jesus' transformative power, inviting others to come and see through our lives.

Life Application

Be Open About Your Faith Journey

Share your personal testimony with others. Talk about how Jesus has transformed your life and the difference He has made. Transparency about your doubts and struggles can also help others relate and feel more comfortable exploring their own faith.

Extend an Invitation

Invite friends, family, and coworkers to church or a faith-based gathering. You never know who might be touched and ready to encounter Jesus. Use Philip's example of a powerful, simple invitation.

Live Out Your Faith Daily

Demonstrate the love of Jesus through acts of kindness, compassion, and service. Let your behavior be consistent and reflective of your faith, making it evident to others.

Create Opportunities for Encounter

Host gatherings, prayer meetings, or small groups in your home. These settings can provide a comfortable environment for others to experience Jesus and ask questions.

Respond to Skepticism with Grace

When faced with skepticism, respond with grace and an invitation to come and see. Avoid arguments and focus on showing the love and truth of Jesus through your actions.

Pray for Those You Invite

Consistently pray for those you invite to experience Jesus. Prayer is powerful and can prepare their hearts for an encounter with God.

Be Prepared for Greater Things

Stay expectant and ready to witness the greater things Jesus promised. Celebrate miracles, transformations, and signs of God at work in your life. Share these testimonies with your church community to encourage and inspire others.


The call to "come and see" is an invitation to experience the transformative power of Jesus. As we respond to this call, our lives become a canvas for God's wonders. This week, challenge yourself to invite someone to come and see Jesus through your life. Reflect on these questions:

1. How can I share my personal testimony with others this week?

2. Who in my life can I invite to experience Jesus?

3. How can I live out my faith more consistently and openly?

May we embrace this journey with faith, knowing that following Jesus means we will see amazing things unfold in our lives. Let's go and tell others about the incredible things God is doing, both in our church and in our personal lives.


Go and Tell


Answering the Call: Becoming Fishers of Men