Signs and Power

This Sunday we delve into the powerful message delivered by Pastor Noelia, focusing on the theme of "Signs and Power" as part of our ongoing series and last sermon of, "Faithful Witness." This sermon explores the biblical mandate to make disciples, the significance of signs and wonders, and the often misunderstood topic of deliverance. Let's dive in!

The Great Commission: Making Disciples

What Does It Mean to Make Disciples?

In Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus commands His disciples to make disciples of all nations. This involves more than just teaching; it means doing life together, as Jesus did with His disciples. Discipleship is about words and actions, walking alongside others in their faith journey.

The Importance of Multiple Perspectives

Pastor Noelia emphasizes the importance of reading all four Gospels to get a fuller picture of Jesus' teachings and actions. Each Gospel offers a unique perspective, much like multiple witnesses to an event, providing a more comprehensive understanding.

Signs and Wonders: Evidence of Faith

The Role of Signs and Power

Mark 16:14-18 highlights that signs and wonders should accompany those who believe. These signs include casting out demons, speaking in new tongues, and healing the sick. Words without signs and power are empty, and Jesus calls us to demonstrate our faith through these miraculous acts.

Salvation Over Signs

While signs and wonders are important, salvation is the greater portion. Jesus' primary mission was to forgive sins, as illustrated in Mark 2:1-12 and Luke 10:17-20. The ultimate rejoicing comes from knowing our names are written in heaven.

Understanding Deliverance: Casting Out Demons

Levels of Demonic Manifestation

Pastor Noelia uses the analogy of a house to explain the three levels of demonic manifestation:

1. Oppression: The intruder is outside the gate, affecting your thoughts and external circumstances.

2. Torment: The intruder is on your lawn, affecting your will, desires, and relationships.

3. Possession: The intruder is inside your house, taking complete control. This can only happen if Jesus is not Lord of your life.

The Connection Between Healing and Deliverance

Many illnesses are linked to spiritual bondage. Pastor Noelia shares personal testimonies of people being healed after deliverance prayers. This underscores the necessity of addressing spiritual issues to experience physical healing.

The Power of Faith and Consecration

Increasing Power Through Faith and Obedience

Power is different from authority. While authority is linked to our identity as children of God, power increases through faith, consecration, and obedience. Jesus Himself demonstrated the need for prayer and fasting to maintain and increase power.

The Role of Community Faith

The faith of those in the room also affects the outcome of prayers. Jesus sometimes had to remove doubters to perform miracles, highlighting the importance of a faith-filled environment.

Life Application

Applying the Sermon to Your Life

This week, challenge yourself to increase your spiritual power through faith, prayer, and fasting. Reflect on areas in your life where you may need deliverance and seek guidance from trusted spiritual leaders.

Questions for Reflection

1. Are there areas in your life where you feel oppressed or tormented?

2. How can you increase your faith and spiritual power through prayer and fasting?

3. Are you willing to look foolish to the world to walk in the freedom God has for you?


Pastor Noelia's sermon calls us to embrace the full spectrum of discipleship, including signs and wonders, and to understand the importance of deliverance. By increasing our faith and consecration, we can walk in the supernatural power that Jesus has given us. Let's commit to being faithful witnesses, demonstrating the power of God in our daily lives.


Secrets for Victory: Standing Firm in a Corrupt System


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