Denying the Flesh
“Knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, so that our body of sin might be done away with so that we would no longer be slaves to sin”
“Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”
The desires of the flesh are always against the spirit. We need to understand this vital truth. The flesh will always cause us to go down a path of destruction and chaos. The flesh is selfish and only thinks of itself; no one else matters but it. When we decide to follow in the footsteps of the flesh, we always find ourselves in the wrong spot, either depressed or oppressed. This is the reality of following the flesh; it will always lead us to make bad choices. Living in the flesh will make you believe that God doesn’t speak to you and doesn’t love you and even make you think that you are too dirty to draw God’s attention.
The reality is that there is a reason why Jesus asked us to pick up the cross daily. Our responsibility is to crucify this flesh of ours and its self-gratification desires. Paul says that when we crucify the flesh, we are no longers slaves to sin! The moment you choose to follow God with all of who you are, the Lord will ensure that you walk in the freedom only found when you live in the spirit. To live a life in the spirit means to allow God to teach you how to surrender and submit to Him, allowing you to walk in the fullness of His promises. Why? Because you have allowed him to teach you how to tame your flesh.
Try it today, surrender your desires and desires and exchange them for the desires and longing of the Spirit of God.
Let’s Pray:
Father, I pray that today marks a new season for me. I can hear your voice; I have obeyed your voice. Now teach me to tame my flesh. I long for nothing more than you. Teach me to crucify my flesh daily and go in pursuit of you. In Jesus’ name, amen!